SNOW is falling across Worcestershire, with a weather warning in place across the county.

Here is our hour-by-hour weather forecast for the county today.


10:00 - Light snow with light winds

11:00 - Light snow with light winds

12:00 - Light snow with light winds

13:00 - Light snow with light winds

14:00 - Light snow with light winds

15:00 - Thick cloud and light winds

16:00 - Thick cloud and light winds

17:00 - Thick cloud and light winds

18:00 - Thick cloud and light winds

19:00 - Thick cloud and light winds

20:00 - Thick cloud and light winds

21:00 - Light cloud and light winds

22:00 - Light cloud and light winds

23:00 - Light cloud and light winds

00:00 - Light cloud and light winds