TODAY we are taking time to consider the benefits of gardening – to some this can be a chore, to others, absolute pleasure.

What cannot be ignored are the many health benefits. A King’s Fund report on the health benefits of gardening were found to be broad and diverse, including a reduction in depression and anxiety. In these challenging times, who doesn’t want that?

Lockdown has meant great changes to our normal routines and I have heard of many people who have felt depressed despite never suffering from it before. It’s vital we find ways to improve our mental wellbeing, and gardening is a great way to do this.

For those of us who don’t have much of a garden, allotments can be a healthy choice and I know from personal experience how satisfying it is to grow your own vegetables.

It’s a great way to get outdoors, meet like-minded people and lift your mood. If this is something you would like to do, contact the local council and they will be able to tell you what is available and where.

Gardening requires little expertise, and you can learn by trial and error with plants or watch one of the many gardening programmes that can help steer your passion.

I count myself as a complete amateur but trial and error in my own garden helps my mental health no end. Spring is here and everything is starting to grow so there’s no time like the present.

Lastly, Worcester has some lovely parks where you can take in the fresh spring air, walk with friends, when allowed, and improve your own well-being. The parks are often well planted, and the large trees are fantastic – so don’t forget to look up if your out in the parks!

Try spending 30 minutes in the garden or outdoors, and see if it lifts your mood, weather permitting.

I can’t help looking at other people’s gardens as I go around and this way, I get further inspiration of things to grow.

Have a look on social media too as there are plenty of creative gardening tips and hints.

I hope I have inspired you to get out into some green space and get gardening, trust me you will not regret it.

Clare Knighton is a local resident, loves Worcester and works in mental health. You can follow her on Twitter @knightonstar