SIR – In his letter (Focus on big issues, May 5) GB Dipper expressed disappointment that Keir Starmer was still making an issue of who initially paid for the redecoration of Boris Johnson’s Downing Street flat. 

Whilst I fully agree with Mr Dipper that the state of UK politics has reached a disappointing level I do feel, however, that he has missed the important point here.

This issue is not about who paid for the decorations or when but did the Prime Minister break the rules that are in place to protect us all from possible undue financial influence from individuals outside Government circles? I think we all recognise that money brings influence.

Mr Johnson is clearly a serial offender when it comes to complying with these particular regulations and, regardless of one’s personal political perspective, it is this we should all be worried about.

His apparent sloppy regard for following rules is even more perverse given the steps his Government are taking to limit both the public’s ability to demonstrate and to challenge government policy in the courts.

This, along with him choosing to ignore the requirements of the ministerial code when members of the government act wrongly, is a clear suggestion of “do as I say, not as I do”.

Whilst I personally do not have a high regard for Keir Starmer you can understand why someone with his background is keen to uphold the rules on our behalf.

Mike Levins
