NEWS that work was to begin soon on a former nightclub in Worcester prompted many readers to get in touch with their memories.

The developers behind the former Images Nightclub say they are to begin demolition of the site to make way for student housing.

Thorneloe Developments is transforming the site into an 83-bed purpose built student accommodation site.

Writing on our Facebook page, Hels Bells posted: “This is all just so sad. This place is my nightlife – John letting me and my bestie in without queueing, dancing my little socks off at the front of the stage to James, Happy Mondays, The Farm and early dance music... sometimes fitted in a bit of a snog.”

Worcester News: Images as it stood in 1998

Andy McEwan said: “I remember Tech college Christmas bash when it was the Barn. They opened at midday and I remember stumbling home around 5 (pm!) trying to think of a story to explain, 16 at the time. Friday nights, free before 9, convincing the DJ to play Sunday Bloody Sunday...”

Michelle Barnes said: “I met my middle two children’s Dad there, remember it like it was yesterday,” while Nicki Porter added “Loved The Barn in the 80s. The drinks promotion nights were a bit of a nightmare though. 50p a drink, and didn’t we get through them.

“They sold Red Stripe on draught so we’d buy a pint then drop a measure of Southern Comfort in it. “

Ann Hewlett posted: “Fantastic times and memories 1984 onwards. Sometimes there three times a week – Tech Christmas parties were awesome.”

Kristy Endacott-Hodson said : “Fab memories loved every minute”, while Wayne Hayes added: “Some of the best nights out ended in there use to be a great laugh there”

Laura Jane: “Getting in at 16 with my bank card as ID and getting in there for free at 9pm for the pound drinks before they went up.”

Denise Lines: “Had some great nights out in the 80s when it was the barn. Sick of everything being bought up for student housing.”

Worcester News: Stephen Bradford, Images owner, in March 1998

Michelle Goodwin posted: “Floor was that sticky I lost my shoe once(true story) – it stuck to the floor and was so dark I couldn’t find it!”

Charmaine Colcomb: “Some brilliant nights here! Must be the only place that smelt worse after the smoking ban was introduced though...”


Lynne Norledge added: “Never been there but sorry to see such a great old building knocked down for soulless student flats.”

Lady-Lisa Nash said: “I remember being part of filming ‘Demons’ with Human Voice Productions there – a follow up to ‘Silent War’”, while Emma Cook’s memories included “Cheap drinks, plastic neon cups, falling down the stairs, booths with buckets of drinks.”

Paul Hughes said: “Great times in the 90s, with a brilliant group of people, shame to see the old building go.”

Sarah Stuchbery added: “So many memories and no matter how drunk you were always making sure you were out before the lights came on!”

Darren Smith recalled: “Wednesday nights £10 entry and then drink free, then back down Friday nights and back again Saturday night then stagger to Shakeeys.

“Good times at Images, shame to see it go.”

It came in handy for Sarah Sheward, who posted: “We lived across the road and when I was pregnant hubby did a second job glass collecting.”

Joy Harrison posted: “Went there with some blokes from work... they went to look at the lapdancers. I wasn’t allowed so I sat downstairs and got told off for putting my feet up on a stool. Eventually, I got fed up with sitting there and walked to St John’s and got a taxi back to Malvern on my own. Sad but true…

Much happier memories for Samantha Maloney: “I met my hubby in there , my first time on a night out for my 18th birthday, his first time in Worcester and 14 years on, still going strong lol!”

Wayne Gravenall recalled: “Back in the 80’s, with Malcolm McLaren’s Double Dutch song blazing away, I was “dancing” on the main stage (well, jumping up and down if I am really honest), when it actually collapsed. So dangerous but so funny at the time.”

Tracey Marie Tracey added: “It was a dancing mosh pit sweatbox, but I absolutely loved it. “

Elaine Grant Hartland confessed: “Loved Images, I was allowed in with someone else’s birth certificate!”

Martin Jacobs was at the Barn and Images in the 80s and 90s three nights a week. “Great times,” he said.

Chris Winwood posted: “Lots of Saturday nights in there in the 90s and early 00s, plus the gay night on the first Tuesday or each month.

“I once had a bottle of beer with the label stating ‘brewed in Scotland for the Cuban market’. They don’t make places like Images anymore.”

And Fran Sheridan said: “Introducing Worcester to Blastaway and many new Alcopop drinks back in the nineties.

“We brought an offbeat attitude to clubbing, not your normal run of the mill club. Great memories of DJing and running the club!”