A WOMAN has appealed for help to solve the mystery of where her missing parcel has been delivered in error.

Olivia Stirrop had been expecting her parcel from H&M to be delivered to her home in Sinton Green, Hallow, on Thursday afternoon.

But after no one visited she was left bemused when she had a text saying it had been successfully delivered.

The text from Hermes delivery firm said: "Your local courier has delivered your parcel at 17.07pm and it was left at the delivery address."

The text included a delivery photo of a property with a red door, and she is now on the hunt for the owners of the mystery house, to see if they could help.

She added: "My delivery has been sent to someone else’s address.

"Can someone help me find this address?"

Anyone with information can email reporter Sam Greenway, on sgr@worcesternews.co.uk, and we will pass this on.


UPDATE (July 5) - Olivia Stirrop has provided an update that she has contacted the owners of the house, and this has been sorted.

Thanks to all those who got in touch to help.