A WORCESTER clubber caught on camera as she spat at and racially assaulted a Wetherspoons doorman has pleaded guilty to racially aggravated common assault.

Sharna Walker, of Woodhouse Close, Worcester, appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court today (Wednesday) where she entered the guilty plea.

Walker today admitted racially aggravated common assault and criminal damage after spitting at a pub doorman.

The 25-year-old shouted racist slurs at doorman Tristan Price when he refused her entry to a bar in Birmingham.

Video was shared on social media of her pushing a security guard, swearing and using racist slurs.

Walker, who went viral on social media in May after the incident in Birmingham’s Broad Street leisure district, heard she could face jail after pleading guilty at the city’s magistrates’ court.

Walker then spat at him outside Wetherspoon's Figure of Eight bar on Birmingham’s Broad Street on May 22.

Walker, appearing in the dock wearing a long black coat, carrying a handbag and with sunglasses on her forehead, also admitted causing criminal damage to a door, including its glass panel and hinges.

District Judge Briony Clarke granted Walker unconditional bail until an administrative hearing on October 27 after a defence application for reports to be prepared.

Defence solicitor Judith Kenney told the court: “I acknowledge that this (offence) starts at a custody level.

“What I would seek to do, dependent on the medical evidence, is to seek to persuade the court to suspend the sentence.”

Charges of threatening behaviour and assault by beating were withdrawn after the Crown accepted Walker’s guilty pleas.

Miss Kenney said the court was required to consider any suggestion of a mental disorder, adding that a report by an expert had been commissioned.

“I wish to mitigate with the court having all matters before it,” the solicitor told Wednesday’s short hearing.

Adjourning the case, District Judge Clarke told Walker: “You have pleaded guilty to these offences. In due course you will get credit for pleading guilty but I can’t sentence you today.

“I am going to adjourn this hearing until the reports are completed.”