DEAR Editor – By now all your readers will be very familiar with the newly refurbished road junction opposite the Copcut public house on the A38.

Indeed it was only last week when it was reported in this very newspaper that the junction had finally been finished and was now problem-free.

Oh dear, I feel that this only the beginning of a series of articles that will appear in the Worcester News, sadly most of them will be reporting traffic accidents.

It is difficult to understand the logic of the latest developments.

You will recall the outcry after the first attempt to make the junction safe to both north and southbound traffic where an overtaking lane of around 200 metres was allowed on the southbound side, this was the cause of two accidents in quick succession which led to temporary bollards being put in place to prevent boy racers and amber gamblers attempting to overtake in a quite impossible and dangerous place.

So what have the boffins in charge done now that the junction has been completed and the bollards removed?

They have restored the overtaking lane which was the cause of the original accident problem but believe it or not they have actually advised motorists that the distance you have to overtake has been reduced to 130 yards.

Only this morning I was waiting behind a bus and immediately the lights changed three cars charged past in order to be first past the lights.

Alan Barton
