A Worcestershire mental health team is taking part in a shoebox appeal, providing Christmas packages to children in need around the world.

Hospital at Home staff managed to fill 10 festive shoeboxes for the Teams4U charity shoebox appeal.

The boxes are filled with items such as hats crocheted by team members in their spare time, pencils, crayons, toys, colouring books and board games. They also contain everyday essentials including toothpaste, toothbrushes, flannels, hairbrushes and tissues.

Hospital at Home team manager Amelia Stephens said: “Christmas is such a wonderful time, and lots of children are lucky to experience the joy of opening presents and spending time with their families at their homes.

'Share some Christmas spirit'

“But not all children around the world have access to the same things, such as basic hygiene items, that we may accidentally take for granted.”

Sophie Edwards, healthcare assistant for the Hospital at Home Team, added: “We wanted to share some Christmas spirit and do something as a team for a great cause.

“We hope the boxes help other children and families enjoy the festive period just that little bit more.”

The Hospital at Home team cares for older adults with mental health problems in their own homes, helping them stay out of hospital.

More information about the Teams4U shoebox appeal is available at teams4u.com