SHOCKED neighbours say it is lucky nobody was killed after a car ploughed through two other cars and smashed into a house.

A BMW X6 crashed into two parked cars and the garden wall of one home in Bromwich Road before hitting into the gas mains and smashing down the porch of a second house last night (Sunday).

Several passengers in the BMW were badly injured with three taken to hospital with serious injuries and one still in critical condition.

Neighbours had to be evacuated after the car hit the gas mains of one home while engineers repaired the damage.

One of the residents, who did not wish to be named, said: "We were upstairs when it happened and heard the noise outside.

"It was really loud, I thought it was a lorry.

"We just thought 'Oh my goodness what was that?' then saw all the chaos outside.

"Everyone was outside and it was all a bit manic.

"It was really lucky nobody was killed.

"Some of them ran off but there was a young female teenager in the boot of the car.

"She was in a pretty bad way and was bleeding quite heavily from her head.

"She was dabbing at her head but I told her to put pressure on it because it was bleeding so heavily.

"There was debris everywhere and the car was smoking but that may have been the air bags."

The family were allowed to return to their home at 1.30am this morning.

Unfortunately, the couple who live in the house next door have not been allowed to return home.

Worcestershire County Council confirmed it is looking into a safe place for them to stay while repair work is carried out.

The woman continued: "From what we heard and what we've pieced together he was coming from town towards the garage and has somehow mounted the curb and lost control.

"They've gone through our wall in the back of my car and into the back of my partner's car.

"It's gone through our hedge then taken out the gas mains of next door and into the front of the property."

She added drivers had previously exceeded the 30mph limit on the road.

She said: "It's absolutely horrendous, people go way too quickly and don't judge the bend."

  • A 30-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of causing serious injury by dangerous driving, drink and drug driving and remains in police custody.