A CITY pub and restaurant looks set for a new makeover as part of plans to build a bigger garden terrace.

The Timberdine off Worcester’s Bath Road will be refurbished under new plans by owners Harvester as part of work that will include a new bar and outdoor terrace.

A planning application submitted to Worcester City Council shows new signs, cladding, screens and doors in a bid to “massively improve” the grade II-listed – but increasingly outdated – building and décor.

Plans also show a bigger garden terrace for eating and drinking to add to the existing outdoor seating.

A statement included with the application said: “The proposed works to repair the existing flat roof entrance porch will ensure there is adequate fixings for new millboard cladding.

“This will massively improve the existing dated look and will visually look more in keeping with the building along with new signage.

“These will establish a refresh in appearance to locals and those using the public house and will repair the otherwise rotten entrance.”

One objection has so far been raised by a neighbour who is concerned that allowing more people to eat and drink outside will lead to late-night noise and disturbance.

The objection from a resident in nearby Barbel Crescent said: “Object to the creation of new rear customer terrace.

“During the Euros football tournament, we had to endure countless sleepless nights where the noise from the fans and banging drums went on past 11.30pm, even on a Wednesday night.

“I feel this terrace would encourage more sporting events and I think it is incredibly unfair on the residents in the vicinity to have to put up with this noise, especially those with young children.

“I do not object to the internal works and changes to entrance porch but anything outside is not suitable for the location of the restaurant which is right in the middle of residential area.”

The proposals can be viewed via the planning section of Worcester City Council’s website.

The application number is 22/00081/FUL and public consultation ends on March 10.