A NEW vegan restaurant and studio has opened up in Malvern.

Rise is a "plant kitchen and movement studio" set up by Amy Coles and Molly Collinson to provide a place for vegan food lovers to relax and enjoy a bite to eat.

The idea originally came around during the first lockdown in 2020 and opened last month.

Miss Coles said: "We created our business Rise To Health back in lockdown 1.0, with the vision of one day having our own space - a plant based cafe with studio above.

"We weren't expecting it to come around so quickly, but we moved to Malvern March 2021 and fell in love with the place.

"Then out of nowhere I had a feeling to just start looking for places, we didn't have the funds or business plan in mind.

"We saw a few places in Worcester but nothing felt quite right, then the real estate person said that there was a place coming available in Malvern and the rest is history."

The aim of Rise is to offer a space for people in the community to gather and spend time together.

In addition to food, there are also a number of classes on offer including yoga and pilates upstairs in the studio.

At least 80 per cent of the locally sourced food served by the restaurant is organic, with any food waste going back into the earth.

Miss Coles added: "I've been following a plant based diet for eight years.

"It's something I'm really passionate about: ethics, environment, health, it just makes sense to me.

"Mol has also had a soft spot for nutrition, studying sports and exercise science nutrition for her masters in Loughborough uni.

"We wanted to create a menu which felt inclusive to all and to prove that vegan food isn't bland nor does it have to be unhealthy.

"I guess that's where our spin is a little different to other vegan places: we don't use fake meats, nor do we deep fry anything."

Anyone in Malvern who wants to learn more or try it out is invited to the Edith Walk site, with more information available online at www.riseto.health or www.facebook.com/riseto.healthuk