THE landlord of a Worcestershire pub, flooded for the third time in three years, says he will definitely reopen before the end of the month. 

Andrew Goodall, the landlord of The Rose and Crown pub in Severn Stoke, says they are behind schedule but he is hoping to reopen "as soon as possible".

The pub was hit after the flooding following storms Franklin and Eunice in February, and has been closed ever since.

"I've replastered and repainted the restaurant, repainted all the kitchens and hallways, and tiled the bathroom," he said.

"This isn't the worst damage after a flood, it is about the same as last year. 

"But last year's repair bill was around £60,000, this year is going to be slightly higher.

"In the past we have spent more than £10,000 on carpets - this time we are having resin floors for the kitchens instead."

Mr Goodall thanked regulars for their support and patience and said as soon as they reopen he wanted them to return 

"It has been a pain but we are still smiling," the landlord said. 

Worcester News:

"We are absolutely on our knees (financially) - it is like we are starting a business again for a third time.

"Some of the staff have found a bit of work, shifts with others as publicans have helped them out.

"They have got mortgages to pay like me, so we have to reopen this month.

"The message is when we reopen book up - I want to be fully booked in May, taking bookings for June.

"Hopefully the weather will change and we can go flat out."


Rose and Crown regulars show support for pub


Mr Goodall has been providing regular updates on the Rose and Crown Severn Stoke page on Facebook, and said he will post news on there as soon as knows the reopening date. 

On various posts on the group regulars have shown their support, Van Maria writing "Good luck to you all Andy. We will be back as soon as you're open."

Sue Haslam added: "Good luck with the clear up, and hope it goes well. We’ll be back when you’re able to open."

The Church Lane-based pub was also flooded in January 2021, and February 2020.