Brits struggling with the ongoing cost of living crisis in the UK have been told to “get a better-paid job” by a Government minister.

Rachel Maclean, safeguarding minister in the Home Office, also suggested people should consider working more hours, during her round of media interviews on Monday morning.

Maclean did admit that her idea would not work for all households but suggested a solution for some would be to look for additional work.

Her comments come amid a backdrop of soaring inflation, rising energy bills and high prices at the petrol pumps on the same day Ofgem revealed they are considering adjusting the energy price cap every three months which could see bills rise four times in a year.

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Minister for safeguarding suggests ways Brits can afford the energy price cap

Speaking to Sky News, Ms Maclean said: “I think what we need to focus on now is over the long-term.

“We do have these short-term pressures on us that we’re all aware of.

“But over the long-term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better, whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better-paid job.

“These are long-term actions but that is what we are focused on as a Government.”

Ms Maclean said she was not “suggesting for one moment” that such an option would work for everyone.

But she said those with extra capacity could visit job centres to apply for either more hours or better rewarded employment.

She added: “It may be right for some people, they may be able to access additional hours, but, of course, it is not going to work for people who are already in three jobs.

“That’s why we need to have the other measures, such as all the help we are putting into schools, the help with the local authorities … and that’s where we are going to target help to where it is most needed.”

Worcester News: Home Office minister Rachel Maclean (Chris McAndrew/UK Parliament)Home Office minister Rachel Maclean (Chris McAndrew/UK Parliament)

Labour hit back at ‘ludicrous’ remarks

Labour shadow cabinet minister Ian Murray said the “ludicrous” advice appeared to hark back to Margaret Thatcher’s era of government.

The shadow Scotland secretary said: “Sounds like the Norman Tebbit ‘get on your bike’ instructions from the 1980s.