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Worcester News:

Stephanie Preece, regional group editor, said: "Worcester News is one of Newsquest's fastest growing daily sites.

"Our readers look to us for trusted local journalism in Worcester.

"We report on the stories that are important to them, ensure our community knows what's happening as soon as it does and help support those living in our patches to have their voices heard.

"We care passionately about Worcester and its people and believe we play an essential part in our community.

"But don't take my word for it. This great offer is running until June 5 - give us a try."


How to subscribe


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Why you should take out a Worcester News subscription?


We passionately believe in the value of good trusted journalism and providing in-depth local news coverage.

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Terms & Conditions apply. Digital subscription auto-renews unless cancelled.* After the 30-day trial, monthly rate will renew at £4.99 and annual rate will renew at £41 per year. Non-subscribers have limited access within the app. All subscriptions can be cancelled and refunded within 14 days of purchase. Newsquest Media Group reserves the right to change or remove an offer at any time. Please see www.newsquest.co.uk/digital-subscription-terms-and-conditions for full details