A Worcester News reader who has been cutting down on non-essential expenses such as hair cuts and meals out has won a £50 fuel voucher as part of the Worcester News' recent fuel giveaway.

The winner, Julie Gooding from Coventry Close, Severn Stoke, was excited to have won the giveaway - especially amid the current cost of living crisis.

She said: "I’m excited to have won something especially in the current climate.

“The rise in the cost of living makes you revaluate what you need to stop doing to cover the cost of important things that you need to pay for, such as energy bills. 

Worcester News: Julie Gooding: Fuel competition winnerJulie Gooding: Fuel competition winner

"For me personally, I have had to cut back on non-essential things such as going out for meals, having my hair cut, cutting down on using the car and asking the question, do I really need to make that journey?

"All just to cover the bills and the increasing costs of fuel to enable me just to get to work and back. 

"It’s a real shame as not only does this affect people’s quality of life, by not being able to enjoy things that they have been used to doing, but it also has a knock-on effect for others such as the hospitality trade as this is usually the first thing that people will cut back on. 

"So, I would like to thank Worcester News for running this competition and providing me with the fuel to get me to work and back for at least a couple of weeks.”

The fuel competition takes place weekly and the winner is announced in the newspaper every Wednesday. 

To enter, you must scan the QR code below or visit this website and fill out the form.

Worcester News: Scan this QR code for the chance to win a £50 fuel voucherScan this QR code for the chance to win a £50 fuel voucher

Each week a registration number will be randomly selected from the registered numbers and published in Wednesday’s newspaper.

If your registration plate is printed the reader will need to email us by 10am the following day to claim their prize.

Details of who to email will be in the promotional advert.