A MAN who was set to be sentenced for a number of offences including damaging an NHS A&E cubicle at Worcestershire Royal Hospital had his case adjourned.

Michael Sefton, of no fixed address, admits criminal damage of the hospital toilet, racially aggravated assault and indecent exposure all related to an offence that took place on Sunday, May 1.

Sefton, formerly of Little Priest Lane, Pershore, appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Monday, (July 4), with Melanie Winterflood, prosecuting, providing details of the case.

Worcester News: COURT: Michael Sefton. Picture: West Mercia PoliceCOURT: Michael Sefton. Picture: West Mercia Police (Image: West Mercia Police)

Miss Winterflood explained the 59-year-old was taken to hospital before becoming aggressive, and committing the offences. 

The prosecutor said he had thrown urine, racially abused the security guard called by nurses to assist, and also masturbated in the cubicle.

Michael Sefton's case had to be delayed

But ten minutes into the hearing it was realised the sentencing could not proceed as a pre-sentence report had not been completed.

After an application to adjourn, Harry Turner, chairman of the magistrates bench, told Sefton he would have to complete the pre-sentence report. 

He told Sefton, who was given unconditional bail, he would need to return to Worcester Magistrates Court on Tuesday, July 26 for sentencing.