WHAT happens when two very different worlds collide?

Charles Dickens broached the question in his 1854 novel Hard Times and Icon Theatre Company attempt an answer with their chaotically, colourful interpretation of the book.

Gradgrind, being staged at the Swan Theatre later this month, will bring Dickens' classic state-of-the-nation novel to life through an impressive mix of drama, live music, mime, movement and puppetry.

"In the book there is a huge amount of energy between these two worlds," said director Nancy Hurst.

"Gradgrind is the main character in our story but the story itself is really about these two worlds that clash with other; Gradgrind's school of thought and the world of the circus.

These two bounce against each other and there is tremendous energy between them."

The production tells the story of 18-year-old Louisa, a beautiful girl forced to marry a man she detests, while watching her brother descend into a gambling addiction.

Fast, furious and with a very Dickensian sense of grotesque, this exuberant production sets out to celebrate the classic novel in a distinctive, engaging style.

"All the children from the school - and there are quite a few - are played by thigh-high marionettes. There are movement sequences with music and dancing, live music with the performers singing on stage, and then there is the circus itself with horse-riding, juggling, tumbling and strong-men coming on stage."

Hard Times was originally published as a serial in Dickens' weekly publication Household Words.

Icon Theatre Company will perform Gradgrind on Tuesday, February 26, and Wednesday, February 27.

For tickets, priced £10 and £8 concessions, call the Worcester Live box office on 01905 611427 or visit www.worcesterlive.co.uk.