YOU may well have read in the national press about the Arts Council cuts to regularly funded organisations.

More than 200 organisations have had all their funding cut, and for many of them that will be the end of the line.

It hasn't effected Worcester Live because we are not funded by the Arts Council, but Worcester Arts Workshop has had its entire £25,000 cut. It has just lost its appeal, along with another 182 of the cut organisations.

Only 17 were successful, and most of those had high-profile stars fighting for them. I'm sure that couldn't have been a factor.

What is bewildering is that Worcester Arts Workshop does a fantastic job, and ticks all the Arts Council boxes.

It was the only funded visual arts organisation in the county, and does outreach work all over county and beyond.

It has only three full-time members of staff, and they achieve remarkable results. It is a hot-bed of brilliant arts work, and the organisation always has a buzz about it. It will probably survive, but it will now be a hard struggle and the volume of work will have be reduced.

l Chris Jaeger is chief eExecutive of Worcester Live2