RESIDENTS of Malvern will have to take a trip to their local chippy, burger bar or Chinese takaway if they want to air their views about the town council and its services.

Councillors have dropped the town council's annual survey of the electorate after just one year in favour of a Have Your Say' section in the council's quarterly newsletter which can be found in the waiting areas of all fast food outlets in the town.

Town clerk Richard Chapman had recommended the annual survey should continue by sending out survey leaflets to every household with council tax demands.

The idea is to give all of the 29,000 town's residents a chance to air their views and make suggestions about the council's activities.

Although Best Value legislation has been repealed and it is no longer a requirement for the town council to ask council taxpayers what they think about services, Mr Chapman feels it is good practice for the council to take account of the public's requirments and views.

Last year's survey cost the council £650.

However, at a full council meeting, councillors decided to stick with the recommendation of the best value and scrutiny committee and to include a Have Your Say' section in the 2,000 quarterly newsletters which are available in fast food outlets in Malvern, the library and other public buildings.

The next newsletter will come out in May or June and those people with computers will also be able to download a copy of the form from the council's website at

  • What do you think? Speak your mind in our own Your Say section here.