These beautifully ornamental and delicious veg should be planted in either the flower border or the vegetable garden from February until April.

They need a sunny, sheltered spot and well-drained, moisture-retentive soil which has been enriched with organic matter.

Seed should be grown at 15C (59F) - one seed per 9cm (3 1/2in) pot - and then the seedlings should be hardened off gradually and planted out in early summer.

Mulch them well in the first year and protect them from frost by covering them with horticultural fleece in cold snaps.

Plants should be watered well in their first year and weeded regularly. If you only want one large flower head, remove the side shoots on each flower stem during the growing period.

You have to be patient, as globe artichokes may take two or three years to crop well. Large heads are produced in summer. Cut off the heads with secateurs before the leaves start to open.

They are best steamed and then eaten with vinaigrette. You can pick off the fleshy leaves, dip them in the vinaigrette and suck off the tender part of the leaf, before arriving at the delicious artichoke heart.