EVERY year Newsquest Media asks for your opinions about its newspaper websites, and now it is asking for your views about worcesternews.co.uk

Our online survey is already up and running and although it takes about 10 minutes to complete, the information you give, which goes straight to head office, is vital to help us improve what our website offers in the future.

Meanwhile Murray Kelso, the Digital Editor of worcesternews.co.uk, is always happy to hear praise, criticism and suggestions for the site in the Admin area of the Your Say section. Click here to go straight to it.

Whatever you say will come straight to the Worcester News and it will be taken on board during future developments and on-going work on the site.

So please, take a few minutes both with the survey and in the Your Say section, and help us to develop and bring you what you want from worcesternews.co.uk