A PLAN to build a three-storey house on green space could still be allowed to go ahead despite being rejected by the council.

Planning officers at Worcester City Council rejected an application to build the home in Wych Elm Close in Worcester saying it was unsuitable for the “established character” of the area and would not provide a big enough garden.

An appeal has now been lodged with the government’s planning inspectorate which, if backed, would see the council’s decision overruled and the work allowed to go ahead.

A number of objections were raised by neighbours during consultation who feared the new turning from the busy London Road would add to congestion problems.

A similar plan was put forward in 2021 but eventually withdrawn after a number of similar objections were raised.

A report outlining the rejection by the city council said: “The proposed development is considered unacceptable as it would intrude into and have a harmful impact upon this area of green space and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Lark Hill conservation area.

“The proposed development would also be at significant variance to the established character of the surrounding area and would have an adverse impact upon the street scene.

“The dwelling would fail to provide suitable private amenity space for the dwelling and the future occupiers of the site and would result in a loss of biodiversity as a result of the clearance of the vegetation from the site.”