A COURT clerk told a prison inmate accused of assaulting a prison officer at a Worcestershire prison to take his feet off a desk. 

Serving prisoner Jordan Bailey-Mascoll appeared over videolink from HMP Whitemoor to Worcester Crown Court.

Bailey-Mascoll is accused of assault by beating an emergency worker, a prison officer, at the high-security HMP Long Lartin on September 23 last year. 

Worcester News: PRISON: Jordan Bailey-Mascoll is accused of assaulting a prison officer at HMP Long Lartin. Picture: PAPRISON: Jordan Bailey-Mascoll is accused of assaulting a prison officer at HMP Long Lartin. Picture: PA (Image: PA)

Prior to the hearing getting underway Bailey-Mascoll had his feet on the desk, the court clerk asking him to take them off.

After not reacting a prison officer entered the booth where the videolink was taking place in and also asked him.

There were heated exchanges between the pair as Bailey-Mascoll said: "It has nothing to do with you."

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When Judge Martin Jackson entered and began the hearing Bailey-Mascoll had still not taken his feet off the desk - but the judge made no comment. 

Bailey-Mascoll was due to enter a plea to the count, but as he was unrepresented no plea was taken.

The 30-year-old told the judge he had not done a conference over the videolink with his solicitors, adding: "I'm not up-to-date with what is going on."

The judge told Bailey-Mascoll his solicitors had sent a message to the court requesting the case be adjourned. 

Judge Jackson asked prosecutor Tim Sapwell if there was anything they could do so that the hearing could be productive, the prosecutor replying they could set stage dates - when prosecution and defence reveal their case and defence. 


After these dates were set, the judge told Bailey-Mascoll he would need to attend his plea and trial preparation hearing on September 19. 

The judge said he should also make his solicitors aware, if he isWorcester News: COURT: Jordan Bailey-Mascoll appeared on videolink to Worcester Crown CourtCOURT: Jordan Bailey-Mascoll appeared on videolink to Worcester Crown Court (Image: Newsquest) denying the count, that he would need to submit a defence statement to the court by October 14.

Judge Jackson also provisionally set the date for trial, if Bailey-Mascoll pleads not guilty. 

The trial would enter a warned list from December 5 this year - a warned list meaning the case can be called on, at short notice, at any point in the fortnight after a given date.