A WORCESTER woman has claimed she is "100% sure" she has captured video and audio of a spaceship.

Mandy Middleton, of Mayfield Road, Rainbow Hill, was woken up by a sound she compared to "radio frequency" on Wednesday, September 7 last week. 

She was able to capture a video in which you can hear the unusual sound, accompanied by an orange light visible in the distance.

Mandy said: "The noise was the creepiest thing about the event. I am 100% sure it was a spaceship.

"It sounds like an old radio frequency you would pick up between changing stations. The light was too fast to be a drone I think.

"It has been playing on my mind ever since it happened."

Mandy said she was first woken at 4.30am and opened her window to try and find the source of the sound.

She said:" I was staying at my dad's at the time to look after him, and my first thought was could it have been him somehow making the noise.

"It was not until I opened the window that I was able to clearly hear that it was coming from outside.

"I filmed to capture the audio and thought nothing more of it, but when I watched it back the next day, that is when I noticed the orange light."

Mandy said her family did not believe her at first, but she could not forget about the sighting at all.

Trudie Richardson, Mandy's sister, said:"This really freaked her out, and she is still puzzled and quite troubled by this strange happening. 

"She is convinced that it was a UFO."

READ MORE: Mysterious object filmed floating above Malvern Hills

Last month, a video captured by a reader, showed a bright, yellow light hovering above the Malvern Hills before disappearing out of sight beyond the horizon.

The video footage caused much debate among readers, with a favourite theory being a Red Devils' parachute display at Lakefest, at Eastnor Castle, near Ledbury.

Other readers thought it could have been Chinese lanterns or even a secret US Military aircraft.

Did you hear or see anything suspicious? If so, email joseph.broady@newsquest.co.uk.