YOUNGSTERS got creative at Worcester Cathedral with the blessing of the new bishop.

Pupils from 12 schools in the Worcester Diocese took part in the JC - Jesus Christ - Today event.

Dr John Inge, the new Bishop of Worcester, welcomed excited youngsters to the mediaeval cathedral before they began a packed morning programme of singing, drumming art and drama workshops.

Following their creative lessons, more than 200 pupils showcased their work at a special afternoon service. They took away colourful banners which they had made during their visit to remind them of the trip to the cathedral.

The event is the first of several planned for the year and it was organised by the diocese's Department for Children, Youth and Education.

David Morphy, diocesan education director, said: "I am delighted our teachers want us to continue to offer this opportunity for pupils to be creatively involved in Christian worship.

"It brings together a team of staff, volunteers and musicians who, with the talents and understanding of the pupils, together make for memorable worship."