ACTING president Jackie Taylor welcomed new members Dot Banner and Liz Thomas to the April meeting.

Treasurer Sheila Garner gave a brief report of the annual council meeting in Malvern.

The overall feeling was that the meeting and speakers were disappointing, although Viv Jackman won the £125 bursary for Denman College.

Jenny Morrison's skittles team has played two more matches - winning one and losing one.

The acting president announced several outings, including a visit to a working farm in Little Witley, a tour which will include refreshments at the Tudor Museum in Worcester, and a group meeting coach trip to the Van Kampen gardens, Hampton Court, in June.

The speaker for the evening was David Bayley, who talked about the magic lantern.

A small photographic competition of a Worcester scene was won by Viv Jackman, the proceeds of which will be put to WFWI funds.

The next meeting will be the resolutions evening at St David's Institute on May 21, starting at 7.30pm. Visitors and new members are welcome.