Vicky, our president, thanked the committee for their help in making the 60th anniversary celebration such a success.

The skittles game against Rushwick WI was an enjoyable evening, although we lost the match.

The annual council meeting on March 11 was attended by Dorothy Carrington, who said it was a worthwhile day.

Vicky and and our secretary Pam attended a group meeting at the invitation of Habberley WI. We have been twinned with Habberley WI for the 90th birthday of the Worcestershire Federation.

Our future events include a farm tour in Little Witley when Habberley WI will be invited to join us. There will also be a strawberry tea in the village on Wednesday, July 16, when there will be a plant stall and a raffle. The charge is £3.

The next meeting takes place at Abberley WI on Wednesday, May 14, and will be the annual resolutions meeting.