Barbara Rowberry was president for the evening as Maureen Matthews had a granddaughter born on the day of meeting.

She reported that Margaret Oakley had had a fall and was unable to attend the meeting. She said Barbara would be visiting her later in the week with flowers.

A board was sent around for the boat trip from Evesham in June and Christine Williams reminded everyone about the skittles evening at the Anchor Inn on May 19.

The skittles team won their most recent match against Broomhall WI and their next match is against Guarlford WI.

Barbara introduced speaker Avril Pulley and she demonstated how to make flowers for wedding cakes and special occasions.

Barbara reminded everyone it was the resolutions meeting next month when we will be having cheese and wine, so please bring a glass with you.

We meet in St Mark's church hall, Bath Road, on the third Wednesday of the month. Visitors welcome.