A PENSIONER from Malvern will be putting his best foot forward during a 38-mile sponsored walk to raise money for charity - despite suffering from a stroke and hernia in the past 18 months.

David Hawkins, 71, and a keen walker and chairman of the Leadon Vale Ramblers' Association, will be striding out in aid of the Cleft Lip and Pallet Association (CLAPA) on the 38-mile (60k) Just Walk trek in Sussex on Saturday, May 10.

Mr Hawkins, a former Worcester City Council surveyor, is no stranger to long walks. In 2006 he completed a 50-mile hike in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

But following a stroke in December 2006, he was unable to take part in a long walk for charity last year.

Mr Hawkins said: "I also had a hernia operation in January and I have had to work very hard since then.

"I am fully recovered from the stroke and the hernia. I got over them very well.

"I like a challenge like this. It is really good. You get a lot of support from people. I do enjoy it and it is a very worthwhile cause.

"I am looking forward to it. It looks like a lovely area to walk. Seeing the countryside is part of the enjoyment and you meet new people and chat along the way."

Mr Hawkins is a regular walker on the Malvern Hills and also goes to the gym to workout once or twice a week.

His daughter Becki has run three marathons in aid of CLAPA but recently had a baby and is unable to run this year, so Mr Hawkins decided to support the worthwhile charity instead. Anyone wishing to sponsor Mr Hawkins can log on to www.justgiving.com/davidhawkins2, telephone him on 01684 574205 or send a cheque payable to CLAPA to 7 Broadlands Drive, Malvern, WR14 1PW.