A DAREDEVIL celebrated a milestone birthday by taking on a scary stunt he has always dreamed of doing.

Peter Beechey's family chipped in to fulfil his birthday wish of doing a wheelie on a motorbike track on Saturday, September 24.

Mr Beechey currently lives in Shrawley but spent most of his life living on Hallow Road.

His family were thrilled to be able to help him to achieve this goal.

Mr Beechey's daughter Nicky Beechey, who lives in Barbourne, said: "It was lovely to see my dad going what he wanted for his birthday.

"Months beforehand, my sister Nita and I had arranged a party and surprise visit to where he was on the day which was great as family came from west Wales and Cornwall to be there.

"He had told us before that he didn’t want any presents but if we wanted to get him something then a motorbike wheelie day he would love.

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"The whole family contributed towards it - he has two daughters, three grandsons, two nephews, one sister and their respective partners.

"I had to clear it with the wheelie school as I was unsure if his age would prevent him doing it.

"They were initially concerned as I imagine not all 80-year-olds are as able as he is and but after a chat about him riding a motorbike all his life and even still doing bike tours around Scotland and European ones when he could, they said ok.

"During and after the experience last Saturday he was buzzing with joy and liked it so much he wants to go back to have another go soon.

"It might have to wait for his Christmas present now. 

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"He did want me to have a go too but I wanted it to be about him not me so decided not that time.

"I had originally booked the wheelie day for 10/9/22 but it was postponed due to the Queen's death as the airfield was closed due to national mourning.

"Instead on the original booked day my dad and I went out for a 50 miles ride on our motorbikes something we do occasionally when I get time."

The adventurous father and daughter pair have also been in a plane for a flying lesson together a present for Miss Beechey's 50th birthday.