A PLAN to build homes on a village pub’s car park has been put forward.

Two three-bed homes could be built on the car park of the Anchor Inn, in Kempsey, as part of plans by Punch Partnerships.

A plan to build a shop in the same place was rejected by the council in 2019.

The application said, if approved, the pub would remain open as the homes were built alongside a reconfigured 21-space car park.

A statement, included with the application, said: “The proposed development retains the existing public house as a functioning business and community facility, such that the proposal will have no impact on the operation of the business.

“The site is an area of brownfield land currently serving as a car park to the left of the pub, the development will provide a reconfigured car park to serve the pub, ensuring its long-term viability.

“The proposed development will ensure that the application site continues to provide a community facility for local residents… and will be designed sympathetically to be in line with local character and to conform to the street scene and its surroundings.”

You can have your say on the plan by visiting Malvern Hills District Council’s website.

The application number is M/22/01257/FUL and consultation ends on November 4.