A MAN faces a lengthy custodial sentence after being found guilty of sexual activity with a child by a jury. 

Andrew Crowe, of no fixed abode, had denied eight counts he faced during a trial that has been taking place at Worcester Crown Court this week. 

After three hours of deliberation, the jury returned with the foreman announcing they had found him guilty on all eight counts, Crowe shaking his head throughout.

Worcester News: GUILTY: Andrew Crowe has been found guilty of sexual activity with a child. Picture: Sam Greenway/NewsquestGUILTY: Andrew Crowe has been found guilty of sexual activity with a child. Picture: Sam Greenway/Newsquest (Image: Sa)

The counts were six of sexual activity with a child; one count of causing a child to watch a sexual act and one count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

The offences took place in Worcester when the girl was aged under 16 years old, between April 5, 2017, and January 13, 2019.

After delivering their verdict the jury was told for the first time Crowe had given no reason for an absence which meant the case did not go ahead on Thursday afternoon.

Judge Nicholas Cartwright said: "Mr Crowe was told to come back at 1.50pm and he just didn't turn up.

Worcester News: DISAPPEARED: Andrew Crowe gave no explanation why he failed to turn up for his trial at Worcester Crown Court on Thursday afternoonDISAPPEARED: Andrew Crowe gave no explanation why he failed to turn up for his trial at Worcester Crown Court on Thursday afternoon

"It is up to him to give an explanation, none was given to me. 

"There are inferences which can be drawn from that."

The judge also revealed to the jury that after finally returning on Friday morning for the end of the trial, Crowe had been remanded in custody while they were out deliberating - the judge fearing a repeat of him disappearing.

During the trial the court had heard the abuse began when the victim was just 13, Crowe trying to kiss her and touch her private parts, after hugging her.

Worcester News: GUILTY: Andrew Crowe has been found guilty of sexual activity with a child. Picture: Sam Greenway/NewsquestGUILTY: Andrew Crowe has been found guilty of sexual activity with a child. Picture: Sam Greenway/Newsquest (Image: Sam Greenway/Newsquest)

The jury heard there had been "multiple incidents" of illegal sexual activity including Crowe kissing her and putting his tongue down her throat, touching her in a sexual manner, making the victim perform a sex act on him and forcing her to watch pornography. 

Crowe was arrested in January 2019 after the victim told the police. 

Crowe denied all allegations when he was in the witness box, as he has done since his first police interview which forced the victim to have to give evidence for his trial. 


Judge says Andrew Crowe faces a 'significant custodial sentence'


After the verdicts, Judge Cartwright said he would adjourn the case for sentencing so a victim personal statement could be obtained to hear the impact of Crowe's crimes on the victim.

The judge also ordered the probation service to carry out a pre-sentence report assessing the danger Crowe poses.

The judge added: "Plainly he faces a significant custodial sentence, it is a question of for how long."

The judge told Crowe, who must immediately sign the sex offenders register, he would be sentenced on Friday, November 4. 

He was remanded in custody.

Giles Nelson prosecuted during the trial, Adam Western defending Crowe.