A new series of walking routes linking Worcestershire’s railway stations are being developed.

The Rail Trails are linear routes that begin and end at train stations, and are hoped to help people explore new parts of the county.

The idea is that the public either walk a stretch of new path and come back to the start point on the train or do it the opposite way round.

Lyndon Bracewell of the Worcester Ramblers is leading the project alongside Andy Stevenson, a graphic design lecturer at the University of Worcester. Funding support comes from the Worcestershire Community Rail Partnership.

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The first phase is a 42-mile-long walking trail connecting all eight stations on the Worcestershire section of the Cotswold Line between Great Malvern and Honeybourne. Further phases will link Worcester to all stations in the north of the county.

“I was keen to find a way to encourage more people to explore the county’s wonderful countryside and in a healthy and sustainable way,” said Mr Bracewell.

“Providing walking opportunities using the existing local rail network was an ideal way of achieving this. Even though I already knew the area quite well, I’ve been really surprised at how scenic and interesting the routes are.”

'The best way to see the countryside is by walking'

The team is aiming to have an initial tranche of outputs ready as downloadable pdf guide sheets and corresponding GPX files that can be used on walking apps in the New Year.

William Whiting, chairman of Worcestershire Community Rail Partnership, said: “Many other areas of the country have walks from stations as a way of encouraging use of local rail services and at the same time promoting healthy lifestyles.

“As a keen walker I believe the best way to see the countryside is by walking and these rail trails will provide the opportunity to explore some lovely parts of Worcestershire.”

Mr Stevenson said the project was a “lovely live collaboration between local organisations”.

“This project’s aims, and outputs are also allied to some of my own research interests within my part-time PhD studies,” he added.

“As such it’s also an example of how ongoing research in the design and visual communications area at the university can provide practical help via knowledge exchange projects within the community too.”