MAGISTRATES heard an impatient drunk man with a history of violence and stealing, decided to commit his latest offence because there had been a long queue in ASDA. 

Luke Harborne, of Astwood Road, Worcester, drank an "industrial amount" of alcohol before being caught using pliers to remove tags off items in the Silver Street-based supermarket. 

Alinah Iqbal, prosecuting at Worcester Magistrates Court, said the 27-year-old entered the supermarket at 8pm on November 1 this year and was watched by security staff on CCTV taking out the pliers and removing the tags off two bottles of alcohol. 

Worcester News: FINED: Luke HarborneFINED: Luke Harborne (Image: West Mercia Police)

Miss Iqbal said police were called and Harborne was arrested after it was discovered he took the tags off four bottles of alcohol and a coat. 

The prosecutor said all the items were in resalable condition apart from one bottle Harborne had drunk from. 

Miss Iqball said: "He is no stranger to the courts. 

"He has 144 theft offences."

She added Harborne committed the crime while on a community order, further aggravating the offence. 

Gary Harper, defending, said: "He was under the influence of alcohol. 

"He drank an industrial amount, 10 pints and a bottle of spirits. 

"He has little recollection of what happened."

Mr Harper said Harborne had gone into ASDA as he wanted more to drink but on seeing the long queue he didn't want to wait, using the pliers he had on him from roofing work earlier that day.

Worcester News: THEFT: Luke Harborne stole from ASDA WorcesterTHEFT: Luke Harborne stole from ASDA Worcester (Image: Google)

Megan Harrison, chairman of the magistrates bench, told Harborne they were fining him £120, and ordered he pay compensation of £15 to the supermarket.

Magistrates agreed the £135 total could be added to the outstanding amount Harborne already owes the courts and be deducted from his benefits.

The chairman added the pliers would be confiscated and stressed if Harborne wanted another pair he should buy and not steal them. 

The case was heard on Thursday, (November 17).

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We reported in November 2019 how the serial offender was jailed for 23 weeks after attacking a woman who was eight weeks pregnant in front of two children.

Among his previous convictions are assault and breaching a restraining order.

When he was 21 he was jailed for 15 months for assaulting two men who refused to let him use drugs (crack cocaine) in their homes.


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