A CHARITY which organises clothing donation banks has said it is "a shame" to see donated clothing scattered across a supermarket car park.

A picture sent to the Worcester News showed a variety of clothing items dumped across parking spaces in front of a Salvation Army donation bank at the Ombersley Road Co-op store, opposite Northwick Road.

Clothes had been left by people but it was unclear whether someone had rummaged through the bags or if the weather or animals had been responsible for the mess.

The Salvation Army (SATCol) has confirmed the site has since been cleared up and they have plans for the clothing that had been left discarded.

They have asked people to ensure that donated clothes are placed inside the bins and not left in piles or bags by the side of the receptacle.

READ MORE: Clothes scattered across floor at Ombersley Road Co-op clothes bank

Kirk Bradley, head of corporate partnerships at SATCoL, said the charity wants to "reuse and repurpose" as much of the clothing as possible.

He said: “The Ombersley Road Co-op store has a collection once a week at which point the site is cleared of any stray items.

"It’s a shame that clothing was scattered around the collection point in this way as we want to be able to reuse and repurpose preloved items, reducing waste and raising money for our vital charity work.

"We cleared up the site as soon as we were told about the fly-tipping.

"We encourage members of the public to make sure their generously donated items are placed directly into our Clothing Banks so that they are safely and securely deposited.

"If members of the public witness any fly-tipping or have any enquiries regarding our Clothing Bank services, please do contact us on our Helpline by calling 0808 141 5890."

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According to Gov.uk, fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of liquid or solid waste on land or in water. The waste is usually dumped to avoid disposal costs.