FANS were left shocked after Lord Sugar fired a popular candidate in tonight's episode of The Apprentice.

Joe Phillips, who is from Worcestershire, was among the bookies' favourites to win the entire show. 

He made a great first impression after putting himself forward for PM on the first task and leading his team to victory.

But he's failed to impress Lord Sugar tonight and became the sixth candidate to be fired.

Worcester News: Worcester News interviewed Joe Phillips from BBC's The Apprentice Worcester News interviewed Joe Phillips from BBC's The Apprentice (Image: NQ/Zoom)

However, Mr Phillips said it was a privilege to even get this far on the show and said he had quite a different start to the process than other candidates. 

"I was working in South Africa at the time and I actually threw in my application on the very last day.

"I must have been the last candidate they accepted.

While on horseback riding in a river in South Africa, Mr Phillips said he received a phone call interview for The Apprentice.

"I said give me half an hour and literally galloped home and rocked up to the interview soaking wet, with mud on my cheek. 

"I think they quite liked that, but I definitely think I had a different start to the process than other candidates."

He was also on the receiving end of Lord Sugar's jokes while on the series.

He said: Lord Sugar is incredibly funny, most of the time to the detriment of me or the other candidates. He'll find something to rip into you about. 

"For me, he loved making fun of the James Bond of the business world comment. 

"I don't regret it because it got me on the show. There are like 60,000 applicants and you say whatever you say to get noticed. 

READ MORE: BBC The Apprentice: Joe Phillips reveals his favourite episode

"And I definitely won't regret it if I get asked to do an audition for the next James Bond.

"I joined it with the mindset of just 'enjoy the process." 

Worcester News: Worcester News interviewed Joe Phillips from BBC's The Apprentice Worcester News interviewed Joe Phillips from BBC's The Apprentice (Image: PA)

Friends and plans for the future

Moving forward, Mr Phillips is hoping to grow his lip balm business called Surf Balm but he also said he would love to present a wildlife show. 

He revealed who he got on best within the house and said: "I would go to the gym a lot with Sohail, I would go to the steam room a lot with Avi and I had a lot in common with Mark, we used to play table tennis together. 

"It's difficult to go into a process like that and not make lifelong friends, you are all very aware that you are going through something very unique. 

"And other than previous candidates, there is no one else on the planet that has gone through that process because it's nothing like you'll ever do in your life ever again. 

"So when you share something like that with someone, of course, you're going to come out with lifelong friends."