A WOMAN whose teenage sister died because of a 'lack of mental health services' wants to ensure other young people get the help they need.

Sixteen-year-old Jade Tyler went missing from Worcestershire Royal Hospital after struggling with her mental health.

She was found 12 days later, dead from hypothermia in a field off of Pershore Lane, in Worcester in December 2008. 

Jade's sister Katie La-Croix and her partner Scott La-Croix, are now passionate about ensuring young people get the mental health services they need.

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Mrs La-Croix said: "We are doing this all for Jade and for her memory.

"My sister lost her life due to a lack of mental health services for young people.

"I tried so hard to get her the help she needed and that is why I now want to raise money for YoungMinds."

YoungMinds is a leading UK charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.

The charity was chosen by Mrs La-Croix as she feels the work they do is of major importance.

She said: "My sister was so young when she died and this charity specifically helps a younger demographic.

"A lot of children and young people often struggle to get diagnosed with mental health issues.

"I believe that the work they do is incredibly important and they are deserving of the support.

"It really is a charity so close to my heart."

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Mr and Mrs La-Croix are walking 310,000 steps throughout the entirety of May, equating to 10,000 steps a day.

The challenge is part of a national campaign called Out In The Open which is being organised by the charity itself.

A spokesperson for YoungMinds said: "Spring is here and there has never been a more important time to get 'Out In The Open' for young people’s mental health.

"It takes courage to ask for help. But for many young people who do, the support they need just isn’t there.

"Things can get better. With your help, we can make sure all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what."

YoungMinds' mission is to make sure all young people can get the mental health support they need "when they need it, no matter what".

To donate to the fundraiser, visit facebook.com/donate/186647560386782.