PLANS have been put forward for a new market hall and cafe at a Droitwich car wash site. 

Droitwich could be getting a new market hall after Elite Car Wash at the back of Waitrose revealed plans to redevelop its site.

If plans are granted, a three-story building could be erected which will be accessed via Saltway.

The redevelopment includes Elite Car Wash demolishing its current site, which consists of three buildings - a steel frame used for the car wash, a staff room and a storage building.

A new car wash will be built on the ground floor with a market hall with six shops and an office featuring on the second.

On the third floor, the business hopes for a cafe or deli with stair and lift access to all floors.

If given the green light, the build will bring 20 new jobs to the area and will be open 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sundays.

The building will span 220 square meters, positioned 20 meters away from the shops on the High Street.

Elite Car Wash has been on the site for nearly eight years and the ten car parking spaces will remain on site with no additional spaces being added.