A FED-UP and frustrated resident has voiced concerns with the multiple vans that have crashed and destroyed his garden wall.

Peter Sheerans has lived on the narrow Thorneloe Walk for 30 years and said even when his wall gets fixed it will be knocked down again by a passing vehicle if the council do not fix the layout of the road.

The narrow Thorneloe Walk serves St George’s RC Primary School in Worcester and has been the site of several crashes and near misses in recent years.

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Worcester News: The lorry was holding up the wall.The lorry was holding up the wall. (Image: Peter Sheeran)

Two of these involved Mr Sheerans' garden wall which had two large vans dismantle the wall on two separate occasions.

"The thing is, once my wall gets built, it will be demolished again," he said.

"The wall will get fixed, but it's vulnerable for it to happen again.

"The Barbourne Road closure, I think, is showing what the real problem is - we petitioned before about it but the county council won't budge on this."

Worcester News: TIGHT SQUEEZE: Cars mounting the pavement. TIGHT SQUEEZE: Cars mounting the pavement. (Image: Peter Sheeran)

Parents, teachers and residents have been calling for safety measures on Thorneloe Walk for years with parents taking matters into their own hands this week by starting a blockade.

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Mr Sheerans added: "I don't want to look at the worst case, but the worst case is someone hits the wall and bricks start to fall on a child or someone gets hit.

"It makes me frustrated, I suppose, because there must be a solution to this."

Worcester News: ACTION: Parents, teachers and residents outside St George's Primary School in Thorneloe Walk and Mr Sheeran's wall.ACTION: Parents, teachers and residents outside St George's Primary School in Thorneloe Walk and Mr Sheeran's wall. (Image: Peter Sheeran)

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council said: “We are liaising regularly with Severn Trent to ensure Barbourne Road is re-opened as soon as possible to relieve congestion on nearby roads.

"We are continuing to discuss the ongoing issues with the wall in Thorneloe Walk with the local county councillor.”

Councillor Lewing and residents have been campaigning to make Thorneloe Walk a safe street for over a year, but they have not succeeded yet.

Worcester News: Councillors Hannah Cooper and Karen Lewing (each end) with parents and residents, Fleur Visser, Fiona Blake, Peter Sheeran and Isabelle Michel at the blockade.Councillors Hannah Cooper and Karen Lewing (each end) with parents and residents, Fleur Visser, Fiona Blake, Peter Sheeran and Isabelle Michel at the blockade. (Image: Newsquest)

They want the road to be made a “School Street”, a government initiative to reduce traffic near schools and encourage people to walk and cycle instead.

City councillor Karen Lewing said: “School Streets are popping up around the country, but the county council does not yet have a policy.

“They say they are working on one, but they’re not working as fast as we would like."