A STOLEN till and a large amount of cash have been seized from a suspicious vehicle after a post office was burgled.

The Post Office in Pershore Road, in Upton Snodsbury, was smashed into by masked men at around 1.35am, on Tuesday, July 4.

The masked men brandishing a sledgehammer made off with the Post Office's till and money and even came to face to face with the owner.

Police officers and pursuit-trained officers were despatched from West Mercia police's road policing unit in anticipation that offenders may try to run.

READ MORE: Masked men leave Upton Snodsbury Post Office after burglary

The police helicopter was also utilised in the response to the incident to search for the offenders.

A short while after the burglary was reported, a silver 4X4 vehicle was seen in suspicious circumstances by officers in the area of Cleeve Prior, and was pursued and ultimately recovered by police.

The stolen items from the burglary including a stolen till, a large amount of stolen cash, tools and other items of evidence were recovered.

Nobody has been arrested.

READ MORE: Burglars smash their way into Upton Snodsbury Post Office

Post Office owners Jeffrey and Celia Young said they have been left shaken by the burglary.

Police have said a thorough forensic examination of the recovered vehicle has been conducted, and CCTV from the burglary and surrounding area is being checked to identify and prosecute those responsible.

Inspector Dave Wise said: ”Burglary is one of our key priorities, we are committed to bringing the perpetrators of these offences to justice.

“This burglary was reported to us while it was happening and we responded with all of our resources in a coordinated manner which resulted in the recovery of the stolen items and vehicles – it’s only a matter of time now before those responsible are put before the courts.”

Anyone with information can contact the Evesham Safer Neighbourhood Team at eveshamtsrw.snt@westmercia.police.uk  quoting incident number 26 i of 4 July

Alternatively, you can speak to the independent charity Crimestoppers. It is 100% anonymous, they never ask your name and they cannot trace your call or I.P address. You can contact them online or by calling 0800 555 111.