THE Labour party has retained a ward after a by-election. 

Elaine Willmore won the by-election in the Nunnery ward of Worcester City Council for the Labour Party.

A by-election was called following the death of councillor Simon Cronin, who won the seat on May 4  this year with a majority of 330.

Tributes poured in for councillor Cronin after he died less than a week after he was re-elected as the Nunnery ward's city councillor for the third time.

Worcester News: LABOUR: Simon CroninLABOUR: Simon Cronin (Image: NQ)

His death in May came just days after he was re-elected to his seat in Nunnery Ward, with a majority of 330 votes.

READ MORE: By-election set to take place following sudden death of 'hardworking' councillor

He held the Nunnery seat for the past 16 years, having been first elected in 2007.

He did at the age of 64 after a short illness.

The full results of the by-election are:

Scott Butler (Liberal Democrat) – 102 votes

David Carney (independent) – 88 votes

Allah Ditta (Conservative) – 518 votes

Elaine Willmore (Labour) – 1,048 votes

The turnout was 26.48%

The result means that Worcester city council now has a full complement of 35 councillors. The political balance of the council is:

Labour - 13

Green - 10

Conservative - 8

Liberal Democrat - 4

The council currently holds annual elections, with one-third of the council’s 35 councillors facing the polls each year.

In May 2024, the council will move to a new system of all-out elections, which means that Cllr Elaine Willmore’s term will only last until that date.