A cancer patient in her 30s who feared she would not get to see her two-year-old son go to school is encouraging everyone to get tested to catch it early.

Claire Webb, 32, said she was shocked and devastated when she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in May this year.

The Claines resident, who lives with husband Michael and their son Teddy, said: "I'd never had any sort of health problems before.

"I fell over and knocked myself. I had swelling in my right breast.

"I thought that's a bit weird. It didn't go away for a week. 

"My GP said 'It's rare that it could be anything serious, I will refer you just in case'.

Worcester News: SMILES: Claire Webb with husband Michael and son TeddySMILES: Claire Webb with husband Michael and son Teddy (Image: Instagram/@ohhayyfish)

"I went to Worcestershire Royal Hospital's breast clinic.

"From the day I went to the doctors, it took 10 days to diagnose.

"It was massive news - it still hasn't sunk in, even now."

Mrs Webb immediately began chemotherapy. 

"I have it every three weeks, I've got two sessions left of six," she said. 

"I don't want to jinx it but it's been OK. I still have got my hair which shocks everybody. 

"I feel OK, I'm still running around after a toddler and working my job at National Grid in Blackpole. 

"I feel lucky it's not been too bad."

Worcester News: TREATMENT: Claire WebbTREATMENT: Claire Webb (Image: Instagram/@ohhayyfish)

Mrs Webb said she had a scan on August 7 after the third round of chemotherapy to see how it was going. 

"We got the results on August 14, and it said I have no cancer in my body," she said.

"We were chuffed to bits with that news. My oncologist is happy for me to have surgery.

"When I got the diagnosis we were devastated thinking I'd be lucky to see my baby start school. 

"For a couple of weeks we cried.

"With cancer you didn't get better from it in the past but the difference in treatment is completely different now.

Worcester News: PLEA: Claire Webb pictured with husband MichaelPLEA: Claire Webb pictured with husband Michael (Image: Instagram/@ohhayyfish)

"You are thrown into this new world. I've joined Facebook groups of people going through it, and been put in contact with others my age in Worcester going through it. 

"It has really helped.

"You start to think it's not the death sentence you first thought. 

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"I'm definitely hopeful I will see my son start school, and hopefully see him graduate university."

Mrs Webb is documenting her journey on her Instagram account @ohhayyfish and is keen to spread the message to get checked. 

"I just want to raise the message if something doesn't feel quite right, you know your body best, persist and get checked," she said.

"There is no routine tests for people our age, we have to spot it ourselves.

"I was one of the lucky ones, I was quick to get diagnosed. Early detection is key."