ROADWORKS which have been in place for over a month are "discriminating against cyclists and increasing pollution".

Councillor Sue Smith, Worcester city councillor for Bedwardine ward, has criticised Cadent Gas work in Malvern Road.

There are temporary traffic lights which have been in place since Monday, July 24, and are expected to remain in place until Friday, November 10.

Cllr Smith wrote to Worcestershire County Council asking it to intervene with the roadworks claiming it is causing serious problems for residents.

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She said: "Cars have been displaced, pollution has increased and they are asking cyclists to dismount which I believe is not a legal request. 

"Cyclists are entitled to use the road as much as anyone else.

"If anything car drivers should be encouraged to turn off their engines when queuing which would reduce the impact on residents living on Malvern Road who are breathing in increased levels of car fumes from idling cars.

"I would like to see the signage change and the cyclists' dismount sign needs to be removed.

"A turn-off engine sign when waiting at traffic lights also needs to be installed and we need more information and confirmation about a completion date. 

"We need much better communication with residents and their representatives.

"Public utilities have a legal right to dig up the road but their rights come with responsibilities. 

"We need to ensure their work does not needlessly disrupt residents and does not discriminate against cyclists".

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Allan Griffiths, head of customer operations for Cadent in the West Midlands, said he understood the works were causing disruption and appreciated the patience of residents.

He said: "The works taking place on Malvern Road, Worcester are part of the long-term programme to replace ageing metallic gas mains with new, durable plastic pipes.

"This project will be ongoing until November and once these works are completed, it will mean that we will not need to carry out repair work in the future, reducing our visits to the area.

"The cyclist dismount sign is there for the safety of cyclists and is used to indicate an area where it may be safer to dismount and to push your bicycle.

"Regarding the turn–off engine signs, we will look into this in conjunction with National Highways."

Worcestershire County Council also said it was going to look into concerns raised by Cllr Smith.