A CHILD rapist who was jailed for life was found hiding in a bush by police after leaving his victim with multiple injuries.

Wayne Scarratt, 28, of Orchid Court, Malvern, was jailed for life, and must serve a minimum term of 12-and-a-half years, after he was convicted of rape and other sexual offences near Burntwood, Staffordshire.

He met a child in Chasewater Country Park in August last year after having only been released from prison two weeks prior.

Scarratt raped and sexually assaulted the victim. He took her mobile phone, her bank card and bus pass and left her in the area.

READ MORE: Wayne Scarratt of Malvern jailed for life for raping child

The survivor was left with a fractured right cheek, a fractured collarbone and bruising to her right eye, face and foot. She managed to flag down a passing cyclist who then reported the incident to police.

Staffordshire police found Scarratt in the Malvern area, hiding in a hedgerow. 

He was arrested and later charged with the offences before being found guilty by a unanimous jury on May 25 this year.

On Monday, September 4, he given a life sentence for rape and also received a life sentence for Grievance Bodily Harm (GBH) with intent. 

He also received 19 years in jail for the assault by penetration, four years for breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and six months for theft - all of which will be served concurrently.

The sentence was given out at Stafford Crown Court.

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Detective Constable Dan Hopkins, who dealt with the case, said: “I’d like to commend the survivor for her immense bravery throughout this entire investigation.

“I hope this sentence provides some sort of comfort for her and her family and it serves as an example to anyone who is a survivor that we are committed to securing justice.”