RESIDENTS are "devastated" after losing their Saturday Skip service, which has been described as a "lifeline" for the community.

Skips were provided at seven city locations on a rota basis, allowing residents to dispose of large items at no cost.

However, Worcester City Council has stopped the service after today (Saturday) in a bid to save £50,000 as they attempt to plug a £2.5million funding gap.

Today at Waverley Street, residents were disappointed that this was the last time they would use Saturday Skips.

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Worcester News: People used the Saturday Skip service for the last time today.People used the Saturday Skip service for the last time today. (Image: NQ)

Jackie Read has been using the services since it started and said it has been a lifeline after the death of her husband six years ago.

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"It is devastating, absolutely devastating because it is so handy," she said.

"The men here help you, I had one of them come to my house to help me out once. 

"It is just going to make people flytip - I live next to the woods, so people are just going to throw whatever they want in there."

Worcester News: LIFELINE: Mr Pritchard (Right) has been working on the Saturday Skip for years.LIFELINE: Mr Pritchard (Right) has been working on the Saturday Skip for years. (Image: NQ)

Mr Pritchard, one of the Saturday Skip workers, described the service as a lifeline for the community.

"After telling people that we will be coming to a close, they have not been happy at all.

"They have spoken about how they have got no transport, ways or means of getting rubbish to the site on Bilford Road and these dotted around skip sites are ideal."

He added the current service was for free, and people may struggle to afford to pay for them to collect big items due to rising costs.

"It was great, didn't cost anything and was such a huge help for the residents - it just seems a shame to bring it to an end," he added.

Worcester News: John Tandy is concerned over the future of his local woodland.John Tandy is concerned over the future of his local woodland. (Image: NQ)

John Tandy has been a resident of Waverley Street for over 50 years and has previously campaigned to keep the service running.

"It makes me feel really down.

"If they close this, you know what's going to happen - the woods will be even worse as  there will be flytipping."

He added that he may even avoid walking his dog in the area it it becomes messy due to fly tipping. 

Lloyd Griffiths, city council director of operations, homes and communities, has previously said: “We appreciate that this may be a disappointment to some people.

"However, there are alternatives easily available, including booking a bulky waste collection with the City Council, signing up for our garden waste service, or taking items to a household recycling centre.”