CHILDREN at a nursery in Warndon have been praised for their ‘exemplary’ behaviour in its latest inspection by Ofsted.

Busy Bees Day Nursery in Warndon, Worcester, has been awarded a ‘good’ overall rating by Ofsted with inspectors singling out behaviour at the nursery as outstanding.

“Children's behaviour is exemplary,” the report by Ofsted said. “They follow staff instructions and the behaviour rules of the setting.

“They listen carefully to what staff and their friends have to say … and show good manners at mealtimes.

“They wait patiently for their lunch, take turns in the queue and clear their own plates.”

The nursery in Brindley Road was last inspected in 2017 – when it also received a ‘good’ rating.

There was plenty of praise in the report from Ofsted with Busy Bees described as nurturing and enriching.

“Children approach visitors with smiles and confidently share what they are doing,” it said. “This shows they feel safe and secure. They happily explore the setting, accessing a wide range of resources.

“Children show sustained involvement and concentration in activities that follow their interests.”

Parents told inspectors the nursery was “fantastic” and praised the “heart-warming and dedicated” staff who had created a “safe and enriching environment for their children to thrive.

“Parents state their children love attending and have made lots of friends,” inspectors said.

The nursery helps develop communication and language skills with a range of songs and books.

“Staff encourage pre-school children to recall and sequence familiar stories,” Ofsted said. “Children join in with excitement as they act out stories and talk about going on adventures.

“Emotional development is a key focus area. Staff help children to learn the language of feelings. They support children with emotional regulation progressively as they move through the age groups.”

Ofsted recommended the nursey improved its outdoor space to make it more ‘challenging’ in an otherwise impressive report.

Inspectors said management and leadership at the nursery were “strong” and dedicated and knowledgeable staff had excellent relationships with the children.

“Staff build nurturing relationships with children from when they start,” Ofsted said. “They know their key children well.

“Staff identify next steps in children's development and carefully plan activities to help them reach them.

“They keep parents fully informed of children's progress through online learning journals, daily conversations and parent evenings.”