A FAMILY grieving the loss of a Malvern man were told they could start to empty his possessions from his flat - only to find it covered with blood.

Selwyn Smith, aged 46, was found dead at his flat in Apple Orchard Close on September 5 and police are currently treating his death as “unexplained”.

Last week, Mr Smith’s family were told by landlord Platform Housing that his flat had been cleaned and they had until Friday, October 20 to collect his things.

Worcester News: Selwyn Smith's death is being treated as unexplained by policeSelwyn Smith's death is being treated as unexplained by police (Image: Susan Smith)

“We walked in and there was blood everywhere,” said Mr Smith’s sister, Susan Smith.

“We didn’t know what to do. You could see where he had been coughing up blood and been sick. It was in a bucket and all over his clothes. It was like a crime scene.

“The blood had been there so long it had started to go mouldy - my husband was physically sick.

“I told Platform what had happened and they said they got it wrong, that they hadn’t been in yet.”

Susan said the incident has made what is already a difficult time for the family even harder.

Worcester News: Mr Smith's family say his flat was left looking like a crime sceneMr Smith's family say his flat was left looking like a crime scene (Image: Susan Smith)

“I’m just so angry,” she said. “There’s no empathy from anyone.

“My brother was agoraphobic, he didn’t go out much - only really as far as the shop and then he’d sit on the bench on the way back.

“He’d been like this since he was 18, when he developed agoraphobia due to bullying and turned to drink. He kept himself to himself and didn’t cause anyone any bother.”

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A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: “Mr Smith’s death is currently unexplained and officers investigating are working with the coroner to understand the cause of death.”

Marion Duffy, Platform’s chief operations officer, said: “Platform would like to offer its sincere condolences to Mr Smith’s family and friends for their sad loss at this difficult time.

“We can confirm that urgent arrangements have been made for a further deep-clean to be carried out at the home, as soon as possible.”