PEOPLE in parts of Worcester say they are 'keeping a close eye' on rising river levels after Storm Babet battered the county with heavy rain.

These dramatic pictures show the aftermath of the storm - which hit Worcestershire on Friday and caused localised flash flooding followed by rising river levels which saw the Severn burst its banks in dramatic style in the following days.

Worcester News: HIGH: The river levels in WorcesterHIGH: The river levels in Worcester (Image: Dave Harford)

Some roads across the county were still closed in the morning rush hour today - including Hylton Road in Worcester, Hanley Road in Upton, Eckington Bridge and Knightsford Bridge in Knightwick. 

A flood warning was still in place across the River Severn in the county as flood levels continued to rise. 

The red warnings on the River Severn warn properties are at risk of flooding.

We spoke to residents in typically flood-hit areas including Lower Wick and Diglis, and they told us that water had not entered their homes. 

But, residents in Diglis Avenue told us, they were keeping a close eye and making preparations just in case. 

There were warnings that the levels on the river were still rising and not predicted to peak until tomorrow.

LIVE: Storm Babet aftermath as roads still closed and rising river levels


Worcester News: CLOSED: Hylton RoadCLOSED: Hylton Road (Image: Sam Greenway/Newsquest)

The River Severn level at Diglis at around 8am was at 4.81m, 2.8m being around the usual highest height.

The level at Barbourne was at 5.11m, the usual peak being 3.35m while the level at Kempsey Yacht Club was at 6.40m, the usual level being 5m.

The Environment Agency said the predicted flood levels in Kempsey, Worcester and Upton were expected to peak on Tuesday morning. 

The red flood warning said: "Please take action to protect yourself and your property and monitor local weather and river conditions.

"Avoid contact with, walking or driving through flood water.
"Consider activating any property flood protection products you may have."