A PUB near Worcester has been transformed into a scary circus for Halloween - with lots of decorations and props.

Staff at The Three Nuns, on Collett's Green Road, Powick, have been hard at work for the last two weeks, transforming the charming community pub into a spooky spectacle for Halloween.

Dave and Lesley Redfern, the husband and wife duo who run the pub, said the decorations were a fun way of giving back to the community that supports them.

Mr Redfern said: "This time of the year, it is a bit of fun for our customers who support us. We have a lovely community around this pub and we love being the heart of it.

"We have been all over getting stuff in for this year's Halloween at the pub. We went into a Halloween shop in Birmingham and came out £400 later.

"All of our staff have a Halloween uniform with 'Welcome to the Circus' written on it which one of our locals printed for us.

"It has been a lot of fun putting together. We also have wonderful staff here that helps us make this happen."

Mrs Redfern puts up the decorations every year, with this year's decorations including clowns, spiders and lights around the pub.

She said: "I had the idea to do something a bit different this year, in the past we have often done a graveyard theme but I felt like switching it up this year.

"We started this about a fortnight ago and finished really yesterday. After the weekend trading the weekend, we put a lot of the big things up."

The pub is hosting a Halloween event on Saturday, October 28, which is free to attend, which will include a kid's disco and a firework display.

Mr Redfern said: "Generally, we have an older clientele, but there are a lot of young families that love to come as well.

"The event will be a couple of hours, from 5pm until 7pm, we will finish it off with a firework display and the families can stay afterwards for a few drinks.

"We are very excited to welcome everyone."