A TERRIFIED child and baby trapped in a car were rescued by a trio of quick-thinking workmen.

Matthew Davies, Anthony Bateman and Tomasz Zdanowicz, from Haus Installations, downed tools and rushed to the youngster's aid down while working at a home off Bromyard Road in St John's.

A young boy had accidentally locked himself and his baby sibling in the car with the keys causing a lot of distress to the mother.

The three men thought on their feet and duck-taped the back window so they could smash it with a lump hammer - minimising the glass debris and allowing the children to safely get out of the car.

Fortunately, the two children were unscathed in the incident and quickly reunited with their mother.

Edward Healey, of Haus Installations, said the business is incredibly proud of its staff's clever thinking in rescuing the children on Monday (October 30). 

He said: "We are incredibly proud of the guys for being able to help this family and safely rescue the boys.

"One of our owners is a firefighter and commended their efforts and technique to safely rescue the children.

"We pride ourselves on being a family-run local business, with a strong emphasis on community, and staff members like these are a credit to us."

The mother of the two children messaged the business on social media later in the day to thank the three men and also arranged to bring them gifts the next day.

She bought them cans of alcohol and sweet treats to show her gratitude.

Mr Healey said: "The mother of the children had so many kind words to say about our local heroes, and even took time out of her day to drop off some Strongbow and doughnuts to show her appreciation.

"It was a really lovely gesture and I am sure that the guys really appreciated it."

Their heroic actions has won praise from the company's customers with one saying: "Well done lads class act."

Others said: "Well done guys you amazing" and "Top effort team".

Haus Installations is a specialist installer of all uPVC and aluminium products based in Worcester, and covering the greater West Midlands region.